Safety and Security

Lamoille South Supervisory Union (LSSU) is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for its students, faculty, and staff.  All members of the learning community share in the responsibility to create and maintain a healthy and safe learning environment.

Hazing, Harassment and Bullying

LSSU takes any suspected violation of our Hazing Harassment and Bullying policy very seriously.  If you have witnessed or experienced conduct that could violate the policy, you can contact your building principal directly or file a formal report with a school counselor or school climate coordinator.   All district policies and procedures are available on this website, but Elmore-Morristown’s HHB policy and Stowe’s HHB policy are linked for your review. Employees can be reached via email by using

Elmore School – Diane Nicholls or Ryan Heraty

Morristown Elementary School - Vernita Vallez or Lindsey Waldman

Peoples Academy Middle Level – Jessica Wills, Jessica Dambach, or Jeff Boudreau

Peoples Academy – Phil Grant, Carrie Felice, or Dan Gilbert

Stowe Elementary School – Maura Wieler or Wendy Monahan

Stowe Middle School – Misha Hudak, Jessica Poe, or Alissa Raboin

Stowe High School – David Greenfield, Lauren Conti, or Alissa Raboin

Title IX

Title IX applies to schools, local and state educational agencies, and other institutions that receive federal financial assistance.  Sexual harassment prohibited under Title IX is conduct on the basis of sex, occurring in an education program or activity of the district, that is based on gender, is unwelcome, and is determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the district’s education program or activity. Elmore-Morristown’s Title IX policy and Stowe’s Title IX policy have been linked for your review.

For additional information or to report an issue, please reach out to the LSSU Title IX Coordinator: Alyssa Barnes, Director of Student Services.  You can reach Alyssa by email at or by phone at 888-4541.

Crisis Preparedness and Response

All LSSU schools practice options-based response to violent intruder drills and fire drills on a regular basis.  In addition, administrators actively participate with local police and emergency service agencies in realistic safety exercises throughout the year.  These provide an opportunity to collaborate with safety officials and debrief areas for improvement.